Our Services

In Resilience Counselling our focus is on bringing the best out in people and giving a safe and confidential space to allow this to happen. We offer training and therapeutic services to achieve this, including integrative counselling, NLP, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, hypnotherapy, mindfulness and a whole host of free resources, tips and strategies on our social media sites to draw out and build on someone's own resilience. 


Through training, workshops or therapeutic sessions, it can connect you back to your authentic self (who you really are) and support you to live life with passion and purpose, which also builds your inner confidence and resilience to tackle anything. 

Our services and what they can do for you:



Counselling - the power of talking! 

When we are babies we have everything we need emotionally (unconditional love), which is our natural inbuilt state, providing we are nurtured and loved in a safe environment without threat.  Throughout our development into adulthood something changes, we learn to seek approval or validation from other people, usually our parents or care givers. This process begins when parent's attitudes change from accepting our little mishaps, which we get away with as babies, to creating conditions we are expected to meet to show good behaviour. 


Although we have the ability to feel unconditional love within us, and parent's love for us is unconditional too, the conditions we think that we have to meet to please parents gets mixed up because a disapproval can be taken as not being loved by parents. The same is also true for when we get rewarded for good behaviour by our parents, which is taken as the conditions we need to do in order to gain their love. 


This approval seeking is natural in life but it gets mixed up for being a necessity to being loved, so our behaviour then creates and maintains a cycle of, 'in order to be loved I need to fulfil certain conditions'. This pattern goes into adulthood and before we know it, we are trying to please others which can go out of alignment with what we really want to be doing, or distracts away from our own ability to feel unconditional love within, rather than needing to find it externally from outside ourselves. 

Counselling is a therapeutic process which is similar to putting everything out on a table to sort through, gain clarity on it all and then realise what is important or what is not useful to us. This can also be like a computer update, when old beliefs and program systems of doing things, are replaced with updated information that is more beneficial to our sense of well being. This can put someone back in touch with the inner strength and resources that are already there, but not being accessed. 


It is important that a counsellor remains non-judgemental, genuine and has empathy for the people they work with, because in order to gain clarity and realise what is true for someone, by being open to explore it, requires these qualities for the best outcome. How many times would a friend or close family member start to give advice or get offended if you were to talk openly about your problems, especially if it involved them? This is not always what someone needs to gain insight and move past problems and can cause the opposite of not wanting to talk about problems at all and keep them hidden.


We offer an open, honest, empathetic, non-judgemental, professional and confidential environment for anyone to explore deeper issues that are troubling them. This is delivered with an integrative style that incorporates several styles of counselling, such as cognitive behavioural, psychodynamic and person-centred. All with the focus on getting the best from the people we work with.


Hypnotherapy - the power of focused relaxation. 

Everything we do in life is a result of our habits and these habits were formed by doing something repeatedly over time. This is great when the habits are supporting us, but sometimes we are running a habit, like a computer program, that we want to change. This is best done through clinical hypnotherapy, since a habit that has been reinforced over time is committed to our subconscious mind. This is where all our automatic habits are stored, because we do them so much that after a while, they no longer require us to put conscious effort into thinking about doing them. How many times do you need to remember how to drive, or even how to blink?


Clinical hypnotherapy is a therapeutic relaxation that allows someone to hone in and focus on their habits so they can become aware of them, rather than allowing the automatic nature of the habit to play out below the radar of their conscious awareness. In other words, it puts someone in the driving seat again of when a habit may have formed so they can decide whether they would like to change the habit for something else. 

Habits, addictions, fears, anxieties, stress and motivation are some of the issues that can be  addressed in hypnotherapy, as well as weight control, smoking cessation and goal setting. It can also be used successfully to help someone overcome limiting beliefs or habits and is a very relaxing process, similar to guided meditation. This creates a powerful tool to focus on something specific and unlock someone's potential that might be hidden away under stress, low confidence, or feeling sad and overwhelmed.


Mindfulness - the power of living in the present 

Being mindful of our present moment is something that we can lose track of with the stresses and strains of daily life, whilst rushing about to get things done on time. We can get caught up in worrying about the future, regretting the past and not paying attention to our present moment. Life can slip by and before we know it, most of our time has been spent with our mind being drawn away from enjoying and appreciating what is in front of us. 


Mindfulness is a way to bring meditation and breathing into the moment to focus on the present, draw focus on the finer details of life that are simple but maybe overlooked with all the busy-ness of our lives. This can be beneficial for our mental, emotional and spiritual health, which in turn can help to reduce our stress levels too. 


Through mindfulness breathing and focus, this can be applied to anything you do, and the therapies we offer, to increase their effects further. These are woven into the work we offer when required.

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